Confirmed! Your LTIA National Conference June 18–25, 2022 in Washington, DC. application has been received.

To complete your registration, please fill in the form below so we can prepare the best conference experience for you.

For questions that do not apply to you, please enter ‘not applicable’ or N/A. We take your privacy very seriously and information sent to LTIA stays with us.

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Your deposit and tuition pay for seven days of lodging, meals, special speakers, tours, and training notebook in DC. Payment dates will be sent to you with registration confirmation.

You can return to complete your form below using your private link to fill in travel information when you make travel arrangements later. If you lost your private link, go to the registration form on the page and click on “forgot private link”.


Date of LTIA Conference (required)

Your First Name (required)

Your Middle Name (optional)

Your Last Name (required)

Preferred name on name tag (optional)

Home Address (Required)

Home City (Required)

Home State (Required)

Home Zip (Required)

Home Country (Required)

Home Phone (Required)

Mobile #(Required)

Your Email (required)

Student, Advanced, Intern, Chaperone? (Required)

Gender (Required)

Age (Required)

Birth date (Required)

Birth city (Required only if you want to tour the White House and Pentagon)

Birth state (Required only if you want to tour the White House and Pentagon)

Birth country (Required only if you want to tour the White House and Pentagon)

SSN (Required only if you want to tour the White House and Pentagon)

Church (Required)

Church address (Required)

Church phone (Required)

Pastor name (Required)

Pastor phone (Required)

Pastor address (Required)

Parent name (Required)

Parent phone (Required)

Spouse (Optional)

Emergency contact name (Required)

Emergency contact phone (Required)

Previous attendance years (Required)

School name (Required)

Highest School year (Optional)

Arrival Date (Optional)

Transportation (Vehicle / Airplane)? (Required)

Flight arrival time (Optional)

Airport Name arrival (Optional)

Airline Name arrival (Optional)

Flight # arrival (Optional)

Depature date (Optional)

Flight depart time (Optional)

Airport Name departing (Optional)

Airline Name departing (Optional)

Flight # departing (Optional)

Referred by (Optional)

Please verify that you are not a robot by entering the following letters into the box.

Please look for confirmation of a successful submission in green box at the bottom of this page.
If you do not receive an email response within 24 hours, please notify us by using one of the ‘Contact us’ links listed below.